Gauntlet Bomber: Started out a couple years ago as more of a mini bomberwith a pair of big engines one big turret and little tiny bombs Two rebuilds later it was bigger but still more lumpy than threatening or effective About a year before these pictures I came up with the idea of the two big weapons pylons on the front. Scaling up the size to include six engine exhausts didn't take long. Getting the engines to open the bomb bay doors & spin the turret took a minor rebuild. Put a roof over it and ran into a dead end insparation wise. Then school came along and I put it on a shelf and only recently got back to it... Insparation came in making the 4 moveable cannons anod hoping to make something similar for the tail. The rear cockpit came next then I decided to rework the interior into sometihng at least slightly logical Pilot cockpit gunners station computer station and the corridor back to the tail with a bit of detail, but not much :) Then finally bult up the interior filling out the shell about 2/3 full of solid brick - this sucker is heavy - I live in fear of dropping it on my foot... Had to completely re-do the roof and move the turret back to accomodate the new interior. and now it's finished... as finished as any thing I ever make is... I'll probably fiddle with it on & off for another few months, maybe detail up the interior a tad more... Anyway decided to call it "Gauntlet" Definitely not a ship you'd want to be in the way of ;)