looks a bit abandoned... well there was a lot of construction work concerning the tracks in progress and all the minifigs had to go sleep so they don't disturb... so this is work in progress. the whole thing is about 5 times 3 meters and at (my personal) eye level, giving a lot of storing and working place below. the tracks go all around the room, the two windows of the atelier are passed by those two large blue bridges (the socalled "blaue wunder"). These have a kernel of two 8x8mm square aluminum struts, carrying most of the weight, and gave the artist enough freedom to realize his vision of romantic late 19th century railway architecture. the steam engine to be seen on the bridge is more or less a copy of Reinhard "Ben" Beneke's BR24. some design and the drive is different, so it runs properly if pulling backwards and works fine with the decoupling unit.