Since the story is in comic book style, if you need to translate it into different languages, here's the script: Vader's New Toy, An Illustrated Star Wars Story by Adrian Drake 1. "Lord Vader?" "What is it? Can't you see I'm busy? "I apologize, my lord, but you wanted to be notified the instant it arrived. "Ahh, excellent!" 2. "Oooooh..." 3. 4. "Now that's what I'm talking about. The rebels don't stand a chance!" 5. "What the? Some assembly required? Damnit. Get the slave labor, captain. "Right away, Lord Vader" 6. "Allright, Gungan Scum. Put together my new Star Destroyer with care and you all win your freedom. Mess it up and you'll be used for target practice. Got it?" "Weesa understand." 7. "What kind of a madman gets joy from putting something like this together by himself?" 8. So Darth Vader settles in to watch the Gungans begin to build his Star Destroyer. 9. They work quickly and efficiently 10. Considering the alternative, it's not too surprising, though "Insolent whelp! This is your reward for installing the wrong piece." 11. Construction continues They need to build 16 of these? The designer must be a sadist." 12. While the Gungans continue to build the superstructure, Vader catches a few winks. "zzz... no, baby... I'm not all cybernetic... zzz..." 13. The superstructure comes together, but not without problems "Help! Meesa stuck!" 14. The skilled labor installs the engines "Is this Tab A or Slot B?" "Meesa don't know" "Just use a big mallet. Make it fit!" 15. "Look at this schedule, Captain. Why are you so far behind?" "Sir, that's not a schedule, that's an Episode 1 fan script" 16. Work continues day and night with no breaks "I've been standing here for two days. Can I PLEASE go to the bathroom?" "Leave and you will be executed. Do you still need to go?" "Uhhh, not anymore" 17. Before bridge construction commences, Vader takes his new toy for a test drive. "Whoosh! Kaboom! Blam! Take that Rebel Scum! Wheeheehoo!" 18. The end can be seen as the Gungans scurry like ants across the Destroyer "Why Vader make us do all the hard work when he have droids?" "Heesa probably have bad experience with Gungans when heesa kid." 19. Almost there... 20. The Dedication Ceremony "A fine job, my Gungans. Now get back in your cells, slaves!" "Nooo!! Yousa said weesa get our freedom! Yousa lie!" "Of course I lied. I'm evil, you simpleminded dolts. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" 21. Vader spends some quality time with his new toy "It's mine! The Jedi will be crushed by my might! So, how do I get into this thing..." "Hey, wait a minute, there's no door! What's going on here?" "Oh no! It's just a model!" The End