Paris Troika Mech Designation No.5-J/BH Decked out in the latest polylaminate carbonox armor, it's everyone's favorite giant robot model rollergirl, Paris Troika! This season, she's sporting a modified Kanohi Kiril, the noble mask of regeneration. the power output has been reduced to less than that of a medimech, but it's still powerful enough to let her keep rolling after taking quite a few hits that would knock out other mecha. Anything to keep that mecha looking fabulous! She also carries a stylish new Versace bag....FULL OF PAIN. utilising a quantum-singularity field, the bag not only has expansive storage space, but its slight gravity manipulation allows for harder hits. Paris never knows when she might get into a fight on the track, but she knows she has to look good no matter what, and in response, she's currently wearing a set of pink- diamond studded brass knuckles to kick bot in style! not shown here is her additional ability to summon up to six hardlight hologram projections of capuchin monkeys or small overexcitable yappy dogs.