Lavender Pitt "If there's a splatter pattern, I'm your girl." Like Teri, Lavender became a miner in search of a new life. rumors of her violent past have drifted through the mines every now and again, but nothing has been proven. she does, however, show a bit too much pleasure in slamming her pickaxes into rock veins, sometimes excavating more than an extra half-mile when she's feeling stressed. because of this somewhat reckless behaviour, her superiors have bolted a mask of regeneration to her mech permanently in hopes that even if she brings a mine shaft down on herself, at least she'll be in decent enough shape to claw her way out. Now skating in derby, Lavender has used her abilities to a devious advantage, carving extremely dangerous gashes into opposing mechs with her pickaxes, then channeling her regen powers to repair the damage before she gets called on a penalty. most girls stay away from her now, except for badly damaged teammates looking for a quick fix during jams. she also has a strange tendency of smacking people's asses, in and out of her mech.