Dot Stoevski Mech Designation 1866-P-B Dot was a furious struggling author before she found derby. often known more for flying into a rage when her editors would hack out parts of her manuscripts for being "too verbose." after one of these creative spats, Dot threw her typewriter out of the window, packed up the mech given to her as a present for her first commercially released work, and left the publishing business for good. but writing and giant robot violence never left her mind. massive graffiti poetry began to appear thirty or so feet up on buildings, elaborate descriptions, fragmented dialogue, sometimes just a few strokes of calligraphy, but all preceded by a red and yellow blur passing in front of the wall where a few lines were to appear seconds later. Dot uses her Kanohi Kakama to great advantage, being able to dodge and weave her way in the pack to cut off an equally nimble jammer. her modified pen-katanas act as brass knuckles in the direst of situations and can write on any surface. they are also highly aerodynamic and can be thrown like boomerangs. her wings are composed of more specially crafted quills and can all be launched at once to create a wall of blades in front of an opposing jammer. on occasion, her quills are seen to operate under their own power, scrawling out messages on the walls in various cities where she's been. ......I know what you're thinking. and yes. Dot is my giant robot roller derby answer to Jet Grind Radio. XD