Notes: (1) Each section should be 48x48 ... if anybody who identifies a missized section, please bring it to my attention so that I can figure out where the SNAFU is (2) Note that sections 31-40 may all appear, at first glance, to be only 47 studs tall. Some of them do have a small sliver of partial-square pieces visible, which represent full squares, but the image was cropped at some point. For the remainder, I have the last (bottom) row on hardcopy ... or you can look at the full image and try to puzzle it out. Muhahahaha. (3) Similarly, the right hand edge of sections 10, 20, 30, and 40 represent full squares (4) Only the coolest of the cool people will be allowed to work on sections 01-03, 05-07, and the like. Get your applications in now! (5) Oh yeah, to explain the dumb bionicle avatar: I wanted to post these images on Brickshelf for ease of access for everyone, but I didn't want them to be readily visible to anyone and their dwarven cousin. Soooo, I asked myself, "Self, what could I possibly put these images under, so that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will feel compelled to look at them. Oh, I know! How about ... under a bioniclod avatar?" Shhhhhhhhhhh! (6) I'll be passing out mosaic sections on Saturday ...