I finally got hold of a copy of the classic Black Cat (5571) and built it, enjoying myself immensely all the time. When I was finished, the model was absolutely begging for a driver, but I have never liked the look of the Technic maxifigs. I tried doing something with the old 1970's maxifigs for a while, but their clunky looks didn't match the super detailed style of this truck model. Suddenly it struck me that the single Belville figure I own, Safran from set 5857, was perfect in both scale and style. Many Belville figures are homemaker dolls, silly fairies or even the Barbie kind of vacuous princesses just waiting for their prince to come and marry them, but Safran apparently runs a bazaar shop of her own and is a smart, independent young woman, so she could certainly be a truck driver. So, if you ever wondered why the Black Cat truck has so much nice and stylish detail, why it is so nicely decorated inside and has a bunk bed that is nicely made and not a mess, and why it has a cute little black kitten on the hood, now you know: it has a female driver.