Brick replica project: ND-001 _Nadesico_ from "Martian Successor Nadesico" Phillip Thorne Tuesday, 14 May 2002 Friday, 02 Aug 2002 I. Introduction The High Mobile Battleship ND-001 _Nadesico_ is the star vehicle for the popular late-1990s anime SF TV series "Martian Successor Nadesico". Its form is "sphinx"-like: four "limbs" around a central fuselage, topped by a delta- shaped command-and-crew-deck "head". The four limbs/sponsons are held away from the fuselage with horizontal wing-sections; the forward wings each contain a launch catapult for the "Aestivalis" mecha. The forward fuselage contains the firing orifice of the "gravity blast cannon". The predominant color is white, with trim in grey, black, and red. (The observant techie can see the design homages to the assault carrier _White Base_ from the original 1978 "Mobile Suit Gundam".) The original has many subtle angles and hexagonal features that can't be replicated in brick at the small scale I've selected. Instead, I've reduced them to right angles, or added "impressionistic" ones in nearby locations (e.g. with roof peak tiles). Certain portions should be red (the dorsal portion of the bridge) or white (slopes), but are currently occupied by grey stand-in bricks. (Some of the necessary elements are currenly occupying the SDF-1 port gun boom, or the Masaki house.) II. Reference images These have been obtained from various fan websites, and grabbed from the ADVision DVDs. Copyrights accrue to the original holders. Replication beyond "fair use" is prohibited, yadda yadda. nad-ref-011.jpg - lateral nad-ref-012.gif - lateral engineering cross-section nad-ref-021.jpg - overhead (dorsal) nad-ref-031.gif - for keystoned view, from the opening credits nad-ref-032.jpg - for vent, closeup on gun and pods nad-ref-042.gif - for port dorsal, plastic model kit nad-ref-041.jpg - for port dorsal nad-ref-051.jpg - aft port dorsal III. Iterations Design goals: shape, color, self-supporting and durable, modular. The upper module, and the forward sponsons and engines, should all be removable. In the show, the module jettisons, à la "saucer separation"; but I want packing-ability. I apologize for the blurry photos; my digicam has difficulty focusing (a) at close range, (b) on shiny plastic, and (c) under the fluorescent-lit conditions prevailing in my cellar. Delta-shaped bridge/habitation module, forward sponson, engine, and mock-ups for connecting wings and dorsal. nad-011a-aftport.jpg nad-012a-forport.jpg nad-013a-port.jpg nad-014a-parts.jpg nad-015a-pars.jpg I adjust the shape of the bridge/habitation module: the bridge-tip is pointier, there are blunt features to each side before changing to the smooth delta shape, the underbody is flatter, and the triplet aft features change. nad-022b-hab.jpg nad-023b-hab.jpg nad-024b-hab.jpg Intermediate revisions to bridge/hab module: stretch the tip. The bridge/hab gets much larger, and gains the problem: how to balance it? The engine expands in width from two to three studs, gains centerline detail. Add the fuselage, with pods above and below forward wing (launch bay above and whatsit? below). Insert grey brick into forward pontoon to represent section housing vertical-launch missile tubes. nad-031a-parts.jpg nad-032a-aftport.jpg Revision to the fuselage. Intermediate clean-up of colors in engine. New pontoon internal design for greater strength. Add upper plating to bridge/hab, but haven't figured how to depict angular plate lines; aft detail unfinished; temporary antennas. nad-041a-forport.jpg nad-042a-for.jpg