BLANKETS I. CUBBY HOLE. SCENE 1 CRAIG When we were young, my little brother Phil and I shared the same bed. CRAIG 'Shared' is the sugar-coated way of saying we were trapped in the same bed, as we were children and had no say in the matter. PHIL "Hey, Craig." CRAIG "I'm trying to sleep." PHIL "There are sharks nibbing on the edge of the boat." CRAIG "It's not a boat, stupid. It's a bed. Go to sleep." PHIL "I could float on a life raft and go get our friends." Shows stuffed animals on dresser. CRAIG "'SNORE'" PHIL "Stupid, you're faking." CRAIG "I'm not faking. 'SNORE'" PHIL "Hey you're hogging all the blankets." "You're taking up more space than me, too!" CRAIG "'SNORE!'" PHIL "Give me some blankets!" CRAIG "'snore'" PHIL "FINE!" Phil shoves Craig, tangled in blankets, off the bed. CRAIG "WALP!" Evil grin spreads across Phil's face as Craig hits the floor. CRAIG "YOU STUPID!" Phil tears the blanket off Craig and bundles up in it. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. PHIL "'Gasp' It's Dad-" CRAIG -Coming up the stairs! MR. THOMPSON "WHAT'S GOING ON UP HERE?!" CRAIG "Phil pushed me off the bed!" PHIL "But Craig was hogging all the blankets!" CRAIG "But Phil wouldn't let me sleep!" MR. THOMPSON "Why can't you two sleep in peace? I sounds like thunder downstairs!" CRAIG "Why do we have to sleep together in the first place?" PHIL "Yeah. Why?" MR. THOMPSON "DON'T QUESTION YOUR PARENTS AUTHORITY!" Craig and Phil cringe in fear. CRAIG "But he's so annoying. Never lets me sleep, talks and pinches me and wets the bed." PHIL "And he's always mean!" MR. THOMPSON "Alright. You boys don't want to sleep together tonight?" "You can sleep here" Mr. Thompson tucks Craig into the bed. MR. THOMPSON "And you can sleep..." Mr. Thompson drags Phil off the bed. MR. THOMPSON "...In the Cubby hole." PHIL "'Gasp'" CRAIG The cubby hole was the forgotten room of our house. Hidden behind the removable wood paneling in the playroom, lurked this strip of space with splintery, rotting floorboards... Mr. Thompson takes off the wood paneling. CRAIG ...and its own barely breathable atmosphere of suspended dust. Shows a room full of cobwebs and old boxes. CRAIG Uninsulated, unlit, and uninhabited - except by spiders and vermin (we heard skittering within the walls at night) and a few dust-filled cardboard boxes, Mr. Thompson wrangles an alligator by the mouth CRAIG the cubby hole was best left forgotten. The alligator turns into a mattress as it snaps open. MR. THOMPSON "You'd better make yourself comfortable!" PHIL "NO 'gasp' NO!" Mr. Thompson starts to close the opening. PHIL "NO DADDY, NO!" The door shuts. It is pitch black. PHIL "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!..." "Please. No..." Phil scratches at the door helplessly.