Application for Exhibition at Ogelsby Gallery Lenny Hoffman * Staff Member (LTA Supervisor at Dirac Science Library) * Not related to a class * No preferred date of exhibition Exhibition Proposal: My medium of choice for the past few years has been LEGO building bricks. LEGO offers a unique challenge to the artist, in that there is a very defined limitation to what can be done with LEGO pieces, but also in finding a method of expressing emotions and deeper issues using what is commonly held to be a child's toy. However, the benefits of LEGO pieces as a medium are immeanse - from the intricate interworking geometry of the basic brick to the potential for connection with a large audience to the sheer joy of playing at Art. My proposal is two fold - first to exhibite my creations of a variety of genres, some very small and personal - others larger and more scientific, and some just plain silly. The second part is to have an interactive component, where I supply a portion of loose LEGO pieces for anyone to come and build while I am available to answer questions about the creations and talk. My hope is to have the creations on display for the entire duration of the exhibition, while having the free-build session for a few hours on Friday and Saturday. Examples of my work can be see: Unfortunately, I do not have slides of my work - however, I have uploaded digital images of my work to an image sharing website. Folders with work that will be appearing in my exhibition are here: