Here we can see a scene inside the castle of the scorpion king Vladek. We are in the wizard quarters. Wizard Yakan is trying out his newest summoning spell. He is going to try to summon and control a greater demon from the 13th circle of hell! In this scene the summoning is in full motion. The greater demon Baraktur is already coming through the portal! The wizard has prepared a sacrifice on an altar before the demon to satisfy him. But is it enough for this mighty demon? A 2nd slave is held ready by an assistant of the wizard, ready to be given to the demon as soon as needed. Still, will Yakan be able to satisfy the greater demon? Will he be able to control it? Or has the evil wizard gone too far this time?... Meanwhile deep underneath the surface all the evil magic Yakan has been using over the years has had some side effects. Along side a glowing river of lava some ancient rivals are battling each other for eternity. The skeleton Falcon army struggles forever with the ghosts of the Dragon Knights over which they think is still their world… Alongside all this evil magic we find a friendly hermit living in his cave. He's enjoying his little turkey, totally oblivious to all the evil around him….