5. HDRI lighting An HDR (high dynamic range) image or lightprobe simulates a more natural environment. The lighting, but also the reflections, will be more realistic. You can download a few free lightprobes from www.debevec.org. First, remove all the lights that are in the scene. Then, change the skysphere definition from sky_sphere { pigment { gradient -y color_map { [ 1 rgb 1 ] } } } to this: sphere { <0,0,0>,10000 pigment { image_map { hdr "lightprobe.hdr" once interpolate 2 map_type 7 } } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } hollow } Again, play around with the settings. I'm using a sphere here, because the version of MegaPOV that I'm using doesn't accept hdr-images as textures for a skysphere. That may change in a future version. The map_type depends on what kind of hdr-image you're using. There are different kinds of projections that can be used to make one. Read more about it at www.debevec.org. Map_type 7 is used for a spherical lightprobe, like the ones that can be downloaded from there. The ambient value defines how bright the hdr is. : looks nice already, doesn't it?