4. Radiosity lighting - Needed: MegaPOV (http://megapov.inetart.net). With radiosity lighting, we place a huge lit sphere around the model, so that light comes from all around, instead of just a few unnatural looking lights. Delete any lights that are currently in the .pov-file, or your render will look much too bright, and then just put the following lines in at the start of your .pov-file: #version unofficial MegaPov 1.10; #declare LDRAW_RAD_LEVEL = 5; #declare LDRAW_MTL = 10; #declare INDEXOFREFRACTION=1.52; #declare LDRAW_RAD_NORMAL = off; #declare LDRAW_RAD_MEDIA = off; #include "rad_def.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.4 max_trace_level LDRAW_MTL adc_bailout 0.01/2 radiosity { Rad_Settings(LDRAW_RAD_LEVEL, LDRAW_RAD_NORMAL, LDRAW_RAD_MEDIA) } } sky_sphere { pigment { gradient -y color_map { [ 1 rgb 1 ] } } } Do play around with the settings. This is what the render looks like now: * In the standard .pov-file that L3P creates, all parts have an ambient and diffuse value of .4. This means that a part will emit a bit of light, even when there's no light hitting the part. When rendering using radiosity, all parts automatically get an ambient value of 0, and a diffuse of 1. This makes it look much more realistic. Be sure to change the amb and dif values of the floor, though, since this won't change automatically! It's pretty nice, but still looks steril. Check out the chrome parts; they don't have anything interesting to reflect. That's because the whole skysphere is just evenly white. You could play around with its settings to break it up a bit, or you could move on to...