Kentsari Electronics: Weapons Division. KE-04-APDS-8N2 Rail Gun. Weapon length: 6.2 feet. Weight: 75 lbs. Needs powered exo-skeleton to use properly unless vehicle mounted. Scope: 18x zoom with laser, and IR and EM filters. Capacitor charge: 24 shots. Projectile type: .50" Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot. Explosive tips can be fitted. Projectile speed: 3461 ft/s. Magazine: 8 shots. Notes: Weapon can be directly linked to the sensory arrays of a Kentsari CE-19-JP Exoskeleton, providing a higher level of accuracy. Weapon can also be linked to an external power source to cicrumvent the limitations of the capacitor. The KE-8N2 is an anti-armour weapon designed for use by infantry and special forces. It fires armour-piercing projectiles at nearly three time the speed of sound. When fired at a vehicle, the shot penetrates the armour and goes directly out the other side, causing very little damage to the tank itself. However, the projectile's speed, when in a confined space, generates an enormous amount of suction, literally ripping unsecured objects inside directly out of the exit hole. Because of the exit hole's small size, however, anything pulled through becomes little more than pulp.